Thursday, November 30, 2006

Seeds of Hope

How many times have you heard the parable about the Sower? For me, many, many times. From children sermons to seminary classrooms, this parable conjures up various feelings in each of us. This week I have been reading Barbara Brown Taylor's book The Seeds of Heaven. She has a gift of taking scripture and breathing new meaning into a text. I stumbled onto her insight of the parable of the Sower. Her words continue to abound in my heart. They are too good not share with my sparkfly friends. Below are her words: Let those who have ears to hear, hear:

"What if [the parable of the sower] is not about our own successes and failures and birds and rocks and thorns, but about the extravagance of a sower who does not seem to be fazed by such concerns, who flings seed everywhere, wastes it with holy abandon, who feeds the birds, whistles at the rocks, picks his way through thorns, shouts hallelujah at the good soil and just keeps sowing, confident that there is enough seed to go around...

Still laughing and wheezing he went after his seed pouch and began flinging seeds everywhere: into the roots of trees, onto the roof of his house, across all his fences and into his neighbors' fields. The more he sowed, the more he seemed to have. None of it made any sense to him, but for once that did not seem to matter and he had to admit that he had never been happier in all his life."

May we live our lives today, knowing that our extravagant sower never runs out of Holy seed. This is good news today. Amen


P.S. Today, we also want to wish Suzanah a very special and Happy Birthday! We are thankful for your life and the way you inspire us to be women of truth and goodness!


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