Thursday, August 30, 2007

Home Ec.

Did any of you happen to see the Today Show last week when they featured a story on Southwestern College ( a division of Southwestern Seminary) and their Home Economics major for women? Rev. Debra Haffner of The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing posted on her blog regarding the major.

You can read about the degree at:

Anybody have an opinion? Here is my response to Rev. Haffner blog posting:

For years Southern Baptist seminaries have offered courses for "seminary wives." Even though we are disappointed in a degree in homemaking, at least those taking the classes are now able to receive credit for them.

What concerns me more than Southwestern College's BA in Homemaking is Southwestern Seminary's courses on Biblical Womanhood.

Dorothy Patterson, wife of seminary president Paige Patterson, is one of the professors who teaches Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. A quick glance at the recommended reading list from her website gives insight regarding what her students are offered.
Dorothy Patterson often wears a hat to show her submission to her husband.

Paige Patterson visited my seminary once. He told me personally that, "Women were first to fall, last to be created, and saved in childbearing."

It is important to remember that not all Baptist are Southern Baptist and not all Southern Baptist are bound by the Southern Baptist Convention's "mandates". Southern Baptist churches are autonomous and can call whomever they want as pastors and staff, even women!

This past weekend I was with a group of Southern Baptist women. I asked several of them what they thought about the BA in Homemaking. Each woman I asked thought the degree was silly and was embarrassed by the Today Show’s report.

For the past two years Baptist Women in Ministry has produced the "State of Women in Baptist Life" report. It outlines the number of Baptist women serving as ministers. Most of the statistics are from American, Southern, and Cooperative Baptist Churches. The report can be accessed at



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